Problems logging in? Want to change your password? Fill out the online form and receive an email with your username and password. If you have questions or need help with the parent portal please click here.
¿Tiene problemas con ingresar? ¿Quiere cambiar su contraseña? Llene el formulario en línea y recibirá un mensaje por correo electrónico con su nombre de usuario y contraseña.
If you can't login to Infinite Campus your problem maybe the new CAPTCHA security requirements for 5 wrong passwords which has replaced the old system of disabling of accounts. If CAPTCHA is activated, in addition to your login and password, IC will require you type text below a picture of that text.
More about CAPTCHAs and why they are necessary.
Infinite Campus District School Name Instructions for Mobile App
Instrucciones para la identificación del Distrito en Infinite Campus